> > xfree86 User wrote (in a message from Thursday 29)
> >  > Is there a way to disable copy-on-select within the latest stable
> >  > xfree86?

If you are running KDE, this can be done.  If you are running KDE, reply
and I'll try to help you.  (I'm at a Windows machine right now.)  In
general terms look for options with respect to klipper -- you may need
to set a couple, like don't synchronize the clipboard and selection
and/or ignore the selection.

My current setup is such that the middle button selection and cut and
paste via <ctrl>x,v,c are independent but both function.  I.e., I can
copy and paste with <ctrl>x,v,c or the selection / middle button, but
the selection won't override anything copied via <ctrl>x,v,c.

I suspect there may be ways to do it in other desktop / window managers
(GNOME, Icewm), whatever, but I'm not familiar with them.

   * klipper is neat in that I can copy seven (or more) items to
separate buffers for repasting.  (Unfortunately, selecting which buffer
to paste requires "opening" klipper and selecting (clicking on) the one
I'd like to paste.
   * building on the above, it would be nice if shortcut keys were
expanded so that I could copy and paste to a specific klipper buffer. 
For example, maybe <ctrl>c,2 would copy something to the 2nd klipper
buffer, and <ctrl>v,2 would paste the second buffer.
   * I've made suggestions to kde (the developer of klipper) along those
lines which have not so far been implemented (probably two years ago. 
(They have fulfilled some other requests.)
   * Yes, I know those suggestions are more appropriate to kde, but
maybe the same functionality could be implemented in X.  (I know (think)
X has something similar to klipper, but I forget what it's called.  (And
I suspect klipper is a wrapper around the X thingie, with some
additional functionality added.)
   * While I'm mentioning things I'd like to have, how about a keyboard
macro facility.  (It is somewhere on the (fairly new) Xfree86 bugzilla.)

Randy Kramer
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