Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> XTerm.VT100.Translations: #override\
>         <BtnUp>:select-end(PRIMARY) \n\
>         ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Up>: insert-selection(SECONDARY)\n\
>         Ctrl<Key>C:  select-set(PRIMARY, SECONDARY)\n\
>         Ctrl<Key>V: insert-selection(SECONDARY, CUT_BUFFER0)

Thanks for posting this, as it gives me a chance to ask a few questions
(I've been feeling my way through setting up some (two-key) key bindings
(for Nedit) recently using the translation table approach.

1.  What does the ~ in front of Ctrl and Meta mean (does that perhaps
make it optional)?

2.  Is there a way to require two mod keys on one keystroke, e.g., I've
tried things like Ctrl+Alt<Key>c?

3.  What is the Meta key?  (Is that typically the Win key?)

4.  Any clues on where I can find a good explanation of the file
format?  E.g., the \n\ at the end of most lines (all but the first and
last) and the requirement that there be no spaces after the last \. 
(Somebody has explained to me that it has to do with escaping the
following <return>, but I wondered where the format requirements are
documented.  (Is it possibly the format of a very long line in Bash??)

Randy Kramer
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