xfree86 User wrote (in a message from Friday 30)
 > Your suggestions are appreciated. I've always been a GNOME user, but 
 > this might give me a reason to try KDE.
 > Still, does anyone know if this is possible within XFree86, regardless 
 > of window manager? If you have the XFree86 bugzilla URL handy, that 
 > would be helpful as well. (Though I'll probably google it here in a minute).
 > Since my linux-converts mentioned it, it's actually begun to drive me 
 > nuts as well.
 > Anyone else?

Has I say, it's dependant on the toolkit. After thinking a bit about
it, what I proposed for Xt based applications can be implemented in
xterm with a couple of resources :

XTerm.VT100.Translations: #override\
        <BtnUp>:select-end(PRIMARY) \n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Up>: insert-selection(SECONDARY)\n\
        Ctrl<Key>C:  select-set(PRIMARY, SECONDARY)\n\
        Ctrl<Key>V: insert-selection(SECONDARY, CUT_BUFFER0)

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