On Friday, January 30 2004 11:46 am, xfree86 User wrote:
> Your suggestions are appreciated. I've always been a GNOME user, but
> this might give me a reason to try KDE.
> Still, does anyone know if this is possible within XFree86,
> regardless of window manager? If you have the XFree86 bugzilla URL
> handy, that would be helpful as well. (Though I'll probably google it
> here in a minute).
> Since my linux-converts mentioned it, it's actually begun to drive me
> nuts as well.
You can ignore middle-button paste if you use QT 3 or GTK 1.2+ apps. 
Text copied with Ctrl-C goes into a different clipboard than the 
auto-copied text. They work completely separately. 

> Ruth A. Kramer wrote:
> >>>xfree86 User wrote (in a message from Thursday 29)
> >>>
> >>> > Is there a way to disable copy-on-select within the latest
> >>> > stable xfree86?
> >
> >    * Yes, I know those suggestions are more appropriate to kde, but
> > maybe the same functionality could be implemented in X.  (I know
> > (think) X has something similar to klipper, but I forget what it's
> > called.  (And I suspect klipper is a wrapper around the X thingie,
> > with some additional functionality added.)
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