> have you checked that there is a crlf on the end of the last line.
> Just in case.
> Rob :-)

Many thank's to all, problem solved. As I wrote I tried many IP address/net
mask pairs. I'm sure there was a new empty line at the end of file. During
my tests I always rewrite one line (with the definition for loopback IP)
only. And maybe there was hidden the problem. I have deleted my
ctrl.ipmap.tab file finaly and created it from scratch. Wow - it works! So I
think I was "lucky" and I ended the "loopback line" not by crlf but maybe by
some other character (maybe shift or ctrl pressed together with Enter key?).
I really don't know. But it works now so sorry to bother you. I'm feeling
ashamed. :-(

Best regards
Odchozí zpráva neobsahuje viry.
Zkontrolováno antivirovým systémem AVG (http://www.grisoft.cz).
Verze: 6.0.501 / Virová báze: 299 - datum vydání: 14.7. 2003

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