At 09:36 6/3/2004, you wrote:
>To bring this to the realm of spam rather than viruses, I have some
>of the RDNS blocking set up through SpamAssassin. I've noticed that
>this sometimes creates false positives for mail that originated on a
>dynamic DSL address, and then was relayed through that users ISP.
>Would this same problem happen with virus blocking?

Depends on how you set it up.

SpamAssassin checks all the received headers. DNSBL blocking (at XMail 
level, not at SpamAssassin level) checks only the IP address that is 
connecting to you. So it *shouldn't* produce false positives - unless the 
IP address connecting to you meets both the "dynamic address" and 
"legitimate mail server" criteria. And for those, they can be whitelisted 
locally as needed....

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