Damn, I thought you were a wizard! :( 
Seriously, i thought it might be some specific system code or whatever. I
will have to look at how to reproduce this error (exit code) in environmet
when loged in to console.
What exactly does -X- startup option do - beside the obvius "SMTPS - Disable
the service."

I thought (wrong again) that this disables the SSL for SMTP and removes the
need for server.key and server.cert. I've found out that I was wrong cause
there were SMTP=ESSL error inf SMTP log.

Davide Libenzi pravi:

On Mon, 26 Nov 2007, Matic wrote: Hi, I have moved the script from
mailproc.tab to filters.in.tab to se what would be in the filterslog and
thisis it: ....... "in" "" "0" "250" "path to the executabale...." what
couldcause the 250 exit code? You ask me?!? That's the exit code of your
script/app. It was successfully executed by XMail (return code == 0), but
250is what your script returned. - Davide - To unsubscribe from this list:
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