On 20 Jan 2008, at 12:34, Davide Libenzi wrote:

> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008, David Lord wrote:
> > On 20 Jan 2008, at 2:43, David Lord wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I've just been setting up a new server running NetBSD-4 and copied my
> > > > existing 1.25-pre25 NetBSD 3.1 directory and binaries.
> > > > 
> > > > 'telnet localhost 25'
> > > > 
> > > > Allows me to connect and accepts a test email.
> > > > 
> > > > All attempts at using the interface hostname or ip address get a
> > > > connection refused.
> > 
> > Sorry for followups to my own message but  it now looks to be a 
> > configuration issue of some kind as my spare NetBSD 3.1 system 
> > XMail-1.25-pre16 shows exact same problem so it's probably not 
> > particularly a NetBSD-4 problem.  I can telnet to port 25 on main 
> > server by hostname ok but get connection refused from spare server. 
> > It's only a few weeks ago that I setup and tested smtps and pop3 
> > connections from a Ubuntu system to this spare server before 
> > transferring that configuration to main server to provide reasonably 
> > secure remote access as well as allowing direct connections from 
> > friends with outgoing port 25 blocked by isp.
> > 
> > sorry for the noise - again
> Give me a summary :) Should I look into it or not?

I'm still working on it but it appears to be NetBSD-4 and/or ipv6 
related. Any help would still be appreciated.

Sockstat showed xmail to be listening on tcp6 on all three systems. 
NetBSD-3.1 mail.lordynet.org is ipv6 enabled and both ipv4 and ipv6 

NetBSD-3.1 with test server used same commandline with 
"-M7 -B6 -P6 -S6 -X6" and also. With those parameters removed I now 
see sockstat only shows xmail listening on tcp rather than tcp6 and 
this system now accepts external connections.

NetBSD-4.0 on intended new server had same commandline but after 
restart with above parameters removed I still get sockstat showing 
tcp6 and connection refused except from localhost. With two 
previously unconfigured interfaces set to dummy ip4 addresses, 
sockstat now shows tcp rather than tcp6 and I can make remote 

So although systems are now working I suspect there is some problem 
there with xmail and or NetBSD. Also with default postfix there 
wasn't a problem. I disabled xmail and undid the changes to 
interfaces and sockstat then showed postscript listening on tcp (not 
tcp6) whilst external connections are ok.



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