On Thu, 24 Jan 2008, David Lord wrote:

> On 20 Jan 2008, at 12:34, Davide Libenzi wrote:
> > Give me a summary :) Should I look into it or not?
> > 
> Seems way hostnames are checked is different between NetBSD-4.0 
> (xmail-1.25-pre16) and NetBSD-3.1 (xmail-1.25) or NetBSD-3.1 (xmail 
> 1.25).
> NetBSD     3.1          3.1          4.0
> xmail      1.25-pre16   1.25         1.25
> private A
> address
> sendmail      ok         fail         fail
> recv          ok           ok           ok
> public MX
> address                 
> xmailrelay    ok           ok         not checked
> sendmail      ok           ok           ok
> recv          ok           ok         not checked 
> I have local dns for hosts on lan which also caches public 
> addresses. There are only A records for private addresses.
> Server.tab has SmarDNSHost set to use local dns server. Mutt
> and some logging uses /var/MailRoot/bin/sendmail but I could
> get round part of problem by using postfix instead.
> Send failures have this form of error
> [<00>] XMail bounce: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> Error=[Recipient domain "p4x2400c.home.lordynet.org"
> does not exist (or it has a misconfigured DNS)]
> ###############
> ; <<>> DiG 9.4.1-P1 <<>> p4x2400c.home.lordynet.org -t ANY
> ;; global options:  printcmd
> ;; Got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 46719
> ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, 
> ;p4x2400c.home.lordynet.org.     IN      ANY
> p4x2400c.home.lordynet.org. 604800 IN    A
> ###############
> I've still to try an earlier version of xmail on NetBSD-4.0 and also 
> try again with ipv6 enabled.

I think XMail is getting a ERR_DNS_NXDOMAIN (NXDOMAIN) from your DNS 
server. When that's happening, XMail does not even try to fall back to the 
A record delivery.

- Davide

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