On Tue, 7 Oct 2008, gbainbridge wrote:

> How does the content of your pop3links.tab file look like?
> This is it. Note that I have tried ? and @ prefixes without any success.
> > 
> > "bainb.co.uk"       "gary"  "mail.myisp.com"        "gbainbridge"   
> > "bainb.co.uk"       "jason" "mail.myisp.com"        "gbainbridge"   
> > "bainb.co.uk"       "nm"    "mail.myisp.com"        "gbainbridge"   
> > 
> > 
> Where "XXXXXXXXXX" is my the encrypted password for my ISPs mailserver, and
> mail.myisp.com is the name of my ISPs mailserver.

What is the externally visible domain where {gary, jason, nm} are hosted?
What is the local (XMail) domain where you want the fetched emails to go?
Assuming the former XXXX and the latter YYYY, you use:

"?YYYY,XXXX"    "gbainbridge"   "mail.myisp.com"        "gbainbridge"   

Of course, {gary, jason, [EMAIL PROTECTED] must be handled locally.

- Davide

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