On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, fred wrote:

> For the second time in about a month, a specific user of my XMail-1.25 server 
> running on FreeBSD-7.0 RELEASE is having
> problem with his POP3 account.
> I don?t know why but the account gets locked for some reason, a file is 
> created inside
> MailRoot/pop3locks/usern...@domain.lock and the file contains this: 
> 34387167856
> I have to manually delete the lock file or restart the server to fix the 
> problem. While locked, it?s impossible for him or
> me to retrieve his emails. I was wondering what could have caused this? Under 
> what circumstances a user gets his account
> locked? What can I do to prevent this from happening again?

Hmmm, lock file are always removed when the POP3 sessions ends. Even if 
XMail would crash in the middle of the request, during part of its boot 
up, it clears the lock files. So I find it strange of a lock file being 
permanently stuck there. Can you try a netstat (when the lock file is left 
there) to see if the connection with the client IP (on inbound port 110) 
is still there?

- Davide

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