On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, fred wrote:

> Hi Davide,
> I will paste the output of the netstat cmd when the problem occurs once
> again.
> Here are the startup switches that I use if it can help:
> XMAIL_CMD_LINE="-Y- -F- -Pl -Ph -Sl -Fl -Cl -Ll -Yl -Qt 5 -Qi 5 -Ql -Qg"
> Could the -Ph switch be causing this? Hang the connection in bad login
> response? Don't think so.
> Also, maybe setting the -Pt <timeout> switch would help?

No, you shouldn't be needed that. Check if the client IP is listed in your 
`netstat` output, when the connection is reported locked by the client.

- Davide

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