On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 00:48, smf wrote:

> However I don't believe this achieves what the original suggestion was
> attempting to. It won't reduce memory footprint and it won't allow you to
> download a new driver module.
The original suggestion was about dynamic modules for everything, but as
many people have pointed out it is not very beneficial for the drivers
and it will also create problems when merging the mame sources for every
version, so all changes should be isolated in the system dependent code.

The code for the various dsp and display drivers is already separated
and there is already a plugin interface in place so changes will
(hopefully) not need to touch a lot of places.

So, no it will not allow you to download a new driver but it will allow
you to download new display and dsp drivers and it will make packagers
life easier (those that want to provide as many options as possible).


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