On Sun, Dec 07, 2003 at 05:09:36PM -0000, smf wrote:
> The biggest problem with moving to modules is that you can't guarantee that
> they would be compatible between versions. Paging is reasonably effective at
> reducing the amount of physical memory required, but if you have a specific
> requirement then you can compile a version that supports only the cpus/games
> etc you want.

I sort of agree, but that's easily remedied by simple versioning.

You could always do a half assed module thing where you had cpu.so,
driver.so, sound.so, or whatever. Not each game individually. Would cut
down on the number of modules, but still allow the frontend's to be
generic loaders and satisfy the problem of each frontend requiring to
link to everything.

Heck, you could just put all the modules in libmame.so, and have the
frontends link to that. Simple libtool usage would take care of all the
platforms (even the ones that don't support dynamic libraries).

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