On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 05:38:52PM +0200, Peter Surda wrote:

> Well, you can't get higher frame rate than your monitor can go can you?
> Unless your brain is plugged directly to the videoram :-)
 Um, pluging myself directly to the video ram... hey... good idea. :-)))

> So the signal is generated the same way and indeed you should need to sync
> drawing.
 But you shouldn't forget that one is progressive and other one is interlaced.
 And I guess the TV does all the synching itself  -  it's its job and not that
 of your graphic card - IMHO.

> I don't think so.
 Well...  I guess you would run into trouble of you are trying to display your
 video material at 67 Hz on your  50  Hz  TV...  so  frequency  is  indeed  an
 important factor. ;-)

> I believe that my routine simply waits for A retrace
 Does your ATI card provide two independend register of retrace? (one for that
 of your monitor and one for your TV out)

> I believe you are partially right.
 So I am a partial fool... ok... that's ok. :-))

> For more than 75Hz I don't think you'll notice a difference whether a picture
> is displayed on 2 or 3 frames.
 Ok, admitted. :)

> Hmm mga has some buffering stuff like this in hardware I've heard.
 I'm not sure about this - but I guess so.

> I find xine cubersome to use, in fact I was unable to actually get it working
> :-) Of course everyone will claim their player is the best <g>.
 You are absolutely right. :) Yet you should give a recent XINE version a
 chance to proof itself... maybe you will be surprised. :-)

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