On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 07:26:47PM +0200, Matthias Dahl wrote:
> > So the signal is generated the same way and indeed you should need to sync
> > drawing.
>  But you shouldn't forget that one is progressive and other one is interlaced.
yes there are 2 of them.

>  And I guess the TV does all the synching itself  -  it's its job and not that
>  of your graphic card - IMHO.
No, the card tells the monitor or tv stuff like
start drawing NOW
retrace there
draw again
retrace back

TV or monitor are pretty stupid, the card must tell them everything.

>  Well...  I guess you would run into trouble of you are trying to display your
>  video material at 67 Hz on your  50  Hz  TV...  so  frequency  is  indeed  an
>  important factor. ;-)
Yeah sure then some are missed, but still this has nothing to do with the
topic: retrace sync must be done anyway.

> > I believe that my routine simply waits for A retrace
>  Does your ATI card provide two independend register of retrace? (one for that
>  of your monitor and one for your TV out)
No, but you can apparently choose which one will be taken into account. I hope
the last sentence didn't reveal any confidential information about ATI <g>

But I was able to find a register that tells you if it's odd or even frame and
I adapted the Xv function to take it into account. However I'm unable to see
whether it helped. If someone on the list knows a video that is freely
available and good for determining whether syncing to retrace works, I'd be
very pleased if he/she sent me the URL.

> > I find xine cubersome to use, in fact I was unable to actually get it working
> > :-) Of course everyone will claim their player is the best <g>.
>  You are absolutely right. :) Yet you should give a recent XINE version a
>  chance to proof itself... maybe you will be surprised. :-)
Well I didn't mean that it doesn't compile, on the contrary, it compiled
without hitch, I was just unable to do anything useful (like playing videos)
with it :-)

> So long, Matt   ]) [EMAIL PROTECTED], GPG key available at public keyservers ([

Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ICQ 10236103, +436505122023

/* vsprintf.c -- Lars Wirzenius & Linus Torvalds. */
 * Wirzenius wrote this portably, Torvalds fucked it up :-)

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