Hi Mark,
Thank you very much.
It's just the grabport is lost when  I change the source code.
Thanks again

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mark Vojkovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Xpert]The trouble when two Xv programe are running at the sametime

> On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, hzeng wrote:
> > Hi,
> >     I'm writting a Xv driver. I meet a trouble and I don't know how to
> > deal with it. When two app useing Xv
> > are running at the same time, such as Xine, they all use the my PutImage
> > founction, and they send the Xv driver with the same port index, so they
> > will do the same thing use my Xv driver and they will rap resource.I
> > don't know where and how to differ the two Xine which are running in my
> > Xv driver, so I have to watch them rendering in the screen disorderly
> > but do nothing.How can I deal with these situation?
> > Thanks a lot!
> > Hzeng
>    This is an application bug.  Apps are supposed to Grab the
> port when they want to use it so noone else can.  When an app
> tries to grab the port and finds that it is already grabbed
> it will know that it is in use and it should fall back to some
> other method to display the video.   When the apps do not grab
> the port they are using, continual preempting of each other's
> video is the expected behavior.
> Mark.
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