On Thu, 2001-11-22 at 10:42, Peter Surda wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 11:50:57AM -0800, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> >    This is an application bug.  Apps are supposed to Grab the
> > port when they want to use it so noone else can.  When an app
> > tries to grab the port and finds that it is already grabbed
> > it will know that it is in use and it should fall back to some
> > other method to display the video.   When the apps do not grab
> > the port they are using, continual preempting of each other's
> > video is the expected behavior.
> Hmm, does it really have to be like this? From my understanding of how
> XvShmPutImage is implemented on most cards, there should be a way to implement
> this reasonably:
> - make sure when allocating offscreen memory for data that it doesn't overlap
> - make sure when *CopyData422/420 are using DMA that only 1 DMA transfer
>   happens at a time (dunno, is this really necessary?)
> - make sure calling *DisplayVideo422/420 only happens once at a time (from my
>   experience this takes an insignificant amount of time => chance that these 2
>   will overlap is low => can be ignored
> So, in theory, making sure the allocated memory segments don't overlap should
> be enough. As the CopyData422/420 takes almost all the time of the PutImage
> function, there shouldn't be any strage slowdown besides lineary proportional
> to the amount of data transferred (i.e. image size*depth).
> Or am I missing something here (as usually <g>)?

Yes, only one image can be displayed at a time per port so why bother.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast
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