On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 10:01:18PM +0200, Krzysztof Halasa wrote:
> Ok, as I still have no idea about the procedure used for working with
> the XFree86 code in general, and with ATI Radeon driver in particular,
> there are (hopefully) simple questions:
> - what should I do in order to have a patch which fixes obvious bugs
>   applied?

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking for here, but I'm guessing that
you are asking either when a patch that someone else has submitted will
be applied or how to get a patch that you have made applied.

The first case:

Access to not-yet-applied patches are available in the mailing list
archives, so that those who want to apply the untested patches
themselves can do so to their own locally checked out copies of the CVS
tree.  You will need to become a XFree86 member to get direct access to
these untested patches.  However, if you don't want to go through the
hassle of signing up, then just ask one of us (or the original author of
the patch) to forward the patch to you.  Testing patches like this a
huge help to everyone since it provides very valuable feedback on
whether or not the patch actually fixes the problem(s) it purports to
fix and if it causes any other problems.

The second case:

The best thing to do is to make the changes necessary to fix the
problems you are experiencing in your local checked out copy of the
XFree86 CVS tree and then submit patches to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Make
sure the patch is made against the most recent CVS tree.  Then, one of
the maintainers of the code that you changed will claim the patch and
review the code.  Next, they will most likely do one of the following:
send comments back to you about changes needed, make changes to the
patch themselves and integrated into the XFree86 CVS tree or, if no
changes are needed, accept the patch as is and apply it to the XFree86
CVS tree.  This process does take some time, since most of the people
working on XFree86 have full time jobs that are not directly related to
XFree86.  Also, there might be other patches that are being worked on
ahead of your patch, which will delay the application of your patch.  We
ask that you please be patient during this process.

For example, I am the maintainer of Rage 128 and Radeon driver, and I am
currently integrating the latest patch from ATI that fixes some clone
mode problems and adds RV250/R300 2D support.  I am also fixing some
bugs in the rest of the driver.  I hope to have this work completed very
soon, but I do not know when I will finish.  There are many other things
on my "to do" for these drivers, which I will get to as I can free up
time to work on them.

I believe this situation is somewhat similar to the other XFree86

> - what should I do if I want to work on much less obvious things like
>   adding support for user-selectable output config (possibly including
>   TV output, and fixing existing problems like the one with TV
>   connected to TV-out)?

If the changes you are making require large changes outside of a
particular driver (e.g., changes that might affect multiple drivers or
the core XFree86/higher level code), then I would suggest that you write
up a description of your proposed changes and post them here.  This will
allow everyone to review the changes and offer suggestions on how to
move forward.  Unfortunately, I have not had time recently to follow all
of the discussions on the mailing lists, but hopefully others will be
able to help out.

If they are specific to a particular driver, then I would suggest that
you proceed as I described above -- make changes to your local CVS tree
and then submit them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I hope this explanation helps.
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