> It has to be editable for those who still use a config file (custom settings,
> modelines, etc) and personally I think the current format is quite nice for
> hand-editing. What I've seen of XML doesn't have that quality.

For better, or for worse, XML looks like HTML, and many/most system managers 
have the ability to deal with it; I for one find XF86Config files as 
inscrutable as any XML I've seen.  And XML can be validated and edited 
mechanically, two major features.

This being said, I'd like most of the effort to go toward making the
file unnecessary entirely; if something has to remain, then maybe
it would make sense to use XML for it.  But let's work on making it
obsolete, now that the hardware is much less insane than it once was.

                        - Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company

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