> As an intermediate solution, can you write a tool
> that would generate 
> XML from a normal config file, and then convert the
> XML back into the 
> config file? You'd probably have to do something
> specialy to handle 
> comments so that users don't lose their comments in
> the process.
> I realize that this isn't ideal, but it gives you a
> chance to prove your 
> point (that the ui tools would be simpler, easier to
> manage, etc.) 
> without requiring anything from the project. If
> enough people start 
> using the ui tools, then the project would probably
> switch to XML.

Actually being a bit of a Linux kernel hacker I though
t of creating and XML file system that did this inside
the via the file system api.. This file system would
have two mount points a standard view and and XML
view. Depending on the Inode used to open the file it
would be sent as XML or as the legacy format.. 

Maybe kinda wacko but I thought it was a cool idea. 
A user space daemon would keep the kernel work
minimal.  Remember I want to generically move all
config file for all apps to XML not just XFree ...


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