On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Geoffrey wrote:

> > Try removing the BusID from the Rage Pro's device section.

> Well, I stuck the rage card into another box, used XFree86 -configure
> and the card works fine.  the BusID entry was added to the config as
> well, inspite of the fact it's a single card in the box.

> I don't have another box that has an agp card slot, so I'm not going to
> be able to test the radeon/rage together until I have some time to
> figure out why it's locking my box up.

> Thanks for the insights, further suggestions will be appreciated as I'd
> really like to get this going.

Well, if you want to figure out why it hangs, you'll have to let it hang.
What's left of the log when this happens would be useful.  However, for
that to be most useful, an install of the current sources is in order.  Up
to you.


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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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