On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 22:53:25 +0100
"Celine-Alexander M. Preiss" <fam.pre...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Anyone that could recommend what
> type (title and author) and where to order a suitable book to use to
> get a beginner a bit educated in Linux (preferable yellow dog), (I
> have some programmer experience from VB, and Pascal)?
Yellow Dog Linux (YDL) is a Linux variant which follows how every Linux
distribution behaves.  Where it is different is on the computer it runs
on which in your case is a PS3.  This means that you could pick up any
book discussing Linux and learn something by practicing whatever is
discussed within YDL.

As you've mentioned Pascal and VB, it is clear you intend to learn
programming within YDL.  The are many computer languages and opinions
regarding them especially in regards to how useful a computer language
may be to someone learning to program.  This point leads directly to
why Pascal was created in the first place; it was an attempt to make
things a little easier for beginners.  VB follows that intent believe
it or not.  The standard/core essential languages in Linux/Unix however
are C and C++ and there are debates which exist still (over 40 years
old) regarding which are more useful.  The problem really is a matter
of developing skills to manage and control different aspects of
computer hardware and implementing a program design to do something

This means that if you want to program such that a pretty picture
appears when you type Hello, Pascal and VB are fine.  However if you
want to seriously analyze computer processing to ferret out a problem
you need C.  There are as many books on C and C++ as there are
snowflakes; I suggest you start at whatever level of reading with an
author who makes sense to you and build upon that understanding.

Some books I'd recommend:

Linux Programming Bible by John Goerzen; Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel
(be sure to check out his website and free books); Using Linux System
Adminstration by Danesh and Das.

You can find them at Barnes & Noble or Amazon.com

Be sure to use the YDL Board as a resource so that you "meet" other PS3
users like yourself, as well as others who program using YDL on various
hardware systems.  There's a lot a good people there who can help you
move forward a lot faster than you going it solo.

> I am hoping to get some reading for
> Christmas, and some fun with my PS3. 
> I wish all readers of this a Marry
> Christmas and a Happy New Year.
> Kind Regards
> Alexander
All the best to you and all


Refranes/Popular sayings:
The Taino say:No hay mal que por bien no venga.
There is no evil out of which good cannot blossom.

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