Thanks, Derick. I still love the PPC architecture and recently bought an Apple dual core 2.3 GHz G5 for very little money and am finding it to be absolutely as fast as I could ever hope for. I will keep it for the next 3-5 years (assuming I can keep the power supply running) and maybe then, the dominance of x86 may have lessened (it can't last forever!).

Merry Christmas and Happy 2010,

Warren N

On Dec 24, 2009, at 1:44 PM, Derick Centeno wrote:

Good to hear from you Warren!!  It's been a long time!!

Glad you liked my analogy.

I wasn't aware of IBM's announcement.  I guess we are the lucky ones
who got these marvelous computers while they could be had.  Too bad
others won't have the opportunity to explore and develop varied
programming skills which these systems allow.

You are not alone in considering how dull the modern environment is.
Unfortunately, we've become like that tiny core of professionals who
served with Henry II at the Battle of Agincourt mentioned by none other
than Shakespeare -- "We few, we happy few..."

I would have liked to have had more people experience gaining from the
skill of working with these systems.  But if the hardware isn't
available then that's pretty much it, unless one chooses to get gouged
on ebay.

Well, Warren, have a wonderful celebration of the holidays and a most
splendid New Year!!  Likewise to all who are here!!!

On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 12:46:10 -0800
Warren Nagourney <> wrote:

I might also add that, due to recent announcements from IBM, the
future of the Cell processor is in doubt. In November, IBM announced
that it was canceling the next iteration of the Cell, the one with
32 SPE cores. I would therefore hesitate in investing any time in
learning Cell programming.

As a result of IBM's announcement, there was a flurry of talk on
tech- savvy sites (such as ars technica) about the end of the Cell
and since IBM made no attempt to refute these inferences, I can only
assume that they are phasing out the Cell. Too bad, as it is the only
interesting computer architecture I have seen in a while. I like your
simile likening Intel architecture to the rebending of a paper clip,
Derick! The dominance of computing by one architecture makes the
whole (hardware) enterprise fairly dull, in my opinion.


Warren Nagourney


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