Read the gentoo wiki

On Dec 23, 2009 6:09 PM, "Robert Spykerman" <>

On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 2:23 AM, Derick Centeno <> wrote:

> Be sure to use the YDL Board as a resource so that you "meet" other PS3 >
users like yourself, as ...
I completely agree. There are not many online forums for YDL - I
believe this mailing list and the YDL board are the only two specific ones.

I am new to YDL too myself. I suspect not many people use it very much
these days if traffic in these lists or the YDL board is anything to
go by, at least relative to the traffic you can see on the ubuntu

As much as I hate saying this, you may want to check out Ubuntu as an
alternative for a beginner for the following reason -  there appear to
be more distro specific 'current' books on the shelves of local
bookshops, and at a brief glance, their forums appear to be more
active. No doubt some questions and issues you will have will be ps3
specific but they have a forum for that too. People say ubuntu gnome
or kde (kubuntu) is a big of a memory hog so some say xubuntu (xfce
desktop) is possibly the best variant to install on the ps3.

Your mileage may vary, I chose YDL and have stuck with it for a number
of reasons namely the reputation and I have not ever tried an rpm
distro before.

By the way, you may find that some advice or tips for Red hat
Enterprise Linux / CentOS 5.2 may apply to YDL too (big 'may' there)
as I believe that's the base source YDL is compiled from.

Cheers, happy Christmas.


chown -R us ./base
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