On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 2:53 AM, Aaron Urbain <aaron.urb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Read the gentoo wiki

I would on one hand encourage the OP to try gentoo, as there is a lot
to be learnt from doing it that way but on the other I would say that
unfortunately for a beginner it may be better off learning about
gentoo on the x86 where it is more error free and tested.

By the way, the gentoo ppc handbook on the gentoo site will only
partially work...

The kernel on the  liveCD from 'experimental' dates back to 2007 and
is slightly incompatible with the current stage3. chroot into your new
stage3 gentoo and run portage and the new chroot python/glibc on it
will choke.

If you want to do it this way, you will need to patch one of the
python scripts that makes that offending glibc call in portage just to
emerge and build the kernel, then boot with the new kernel. I can't
remember which file it was in, but python will tell you where the bad
call is, I just fed it the numbers it wanted and it worked. I would
then undo that patch and proceed per normal gentoo install.


chown -R us ./base
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