On śro, 2016-02-03 at 14:00 +0000, shubham.kum...@wipro.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would additionally like to mention that the same problem persists when 
> trying to boot
> the Galileo with core-image-sato. 
> The steps which I followed are as follows:-
> Inside the poky directory,
> 1.  source oe-init-build-env final_build/ 
> Now ,Inside the final_build/ directory
> 2. bitbake core-image-sato
> 3. wic create mkgalileodisk -e core-image-sato -o /<directory_path>/
> Now, in <directory_path>/build ,
> 4. sudo dd if=mkgalileodisk-201602031847-mmcblk0.direct of=/dev/sdb
> Now when I tried to boot the Galileo with this SD card , it booted but at the 
> login
> prompt doesn't accept the "root". It says  "Login incorrect ".
> The observation is similar wit core-image-minimal as well.
> I'm definitely missing something. I would appreciate any help in this 
> direction.
> Thanks,
> Shubham_K
> From: Shubham Kumar (Product Engineering Service)
> Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 5:11 PM
> To: yocto@yoctoproject.org
> Subject: [meta-intel]:Quark not accepting "root" username at login prompt
> Hi all,
> I built a core-image-minimal with additions of a few packages like tools-sdk 
> and tools-
> debug. With WIK tool and the kickstart file "mkgalileodisk", I created the 
> image. Then I
> dd'd the image to the SD card. The Galileo booted with the image, but it's 
> not accepting
> "root" as the username at the login terminal. It shows the message "Invalid 
> username". I
> don't have any idea of why this happened. I even looked at the etc/passwd 
> file, but
> didn't get any idea.
> Please note that I have cloned the latest jethro meta-intel layer from the 
> Yocto git
> repository.
> Did I miss anything in the build process? Any help in this direction will be
> appreciated.

Can you verify if debug-tweaks is present in IMAGE_FEATURES?

Maciej Borzęcki
Senior Software Developer at Open-RnD Sp. z o.o., Poland
mobile: +48 889 117 365, fax: +48 42 657 9079

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