
I've run both the source and the binary distributions on Linux using JDK
and things look good.


On 9/28/06, Alexey Petrenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've executed hello_world demo on Harmony and it works fine.
I'll try another demos on Harmony later.

2006/9/26, Mosur Ravi, Balaji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I created the source and binary distributions of the latest Yoko
> Milestone 1 release candidate level and placed them in my home
> directory:
> http://people.apache.org/~bravi/
> Instructions on setting up your environment to use Yoko and getting
> started with the Yoko samples are in the README.txt file contained in
> the samples directory in the distributions.
> I tested the binary and source distributions in the following
> environment:
> Windows XP SP2 - Java JDK 5.0 update 07 - Maven 2.0.4 - Apache Ant 1.6.5
> Please vote to publish the Milestone 1 release distributions. Please
> take some time to download the distributions, review them and test them
> in your environment before voting.
> The vote is open for the next 72 hours. At least three +1 votes are
> required, and only the votes from Yoko committers are binding. If the
> majority of all votes are positive, I will send a summary of that vote
> to the Incubator's general list to formally request the Incubator PMC to
> approve the Yoko Milestone 1 release. For your reference the Incubator
> release policy guidelines are available at
> http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html#Releases.
> Thanks
> Balaji

Alexey A. Petrenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

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