On Sunday 09 April 2006 10:09, Tobias Gerschner wrote:
> Hi,
> 2006/4/9, Hawkwind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Tobias,
> >
> > Thank you very much for this great information.  I am taking some time
> > to look it over and study it a bit.  I am thinking of running Yoper
> > within a VMware session since I really don't have a system to install
> > it on so I can practice building stuff for it.  Do you think this will
> > be ok, or does it really need to have an actual install ?
> As far as I am it needs to be installed . Mark can you can shed any
> light on this?

VMWare is not a toy I use these days to be honest. As far as I am aware, Yoper 
does not work with VMWare - at least not the Blacksand versions. There was a 
hacked kernel for the older 2.1 to run with VMWare - I think VMWare has 
specific requirements in a kernel if I recall correctly. Perhas one of the 
others may run VMWare and can offer some ideas? Otherwise, I can look around 
for the VMWare requirements - it should be possible to include the hacks 
As an additional comment - Blacksand does not seem to run under Qemu either.
The first release of the testing version ran - hence my screenshots of it in 
Qemu - but I have not been able to reproduce the install with any of the 
later versions for some reason. Not sure why - I did spend several days 
fiddling about for no result :(
I would suggest an install to hard drive is the best way to test currently.
Anyone recall who hacked the old Yoper system for VMWare? I think it is 
mentioned in the forum - I will check later.

> > Also, just curious as to why noone is in the #Yoper channel on
> > FreeNode.  Seems IRC is one of, if not the best and easiest way to get
> > help for most anything, especially linux.
> Usually IRC is quite crowded. But well there's real life, too. I am
> currently preparing to leave for NZ and this keeps me pretty busy in
> many ways. My take off date is 20th of NZ and my family needs to
> rearrange quite some stuff to be well prepared. I try to be more
> available in the evenings though.

I will agree with Tobias here - the irc channel usually has a few people in 
there. I saw Chaks had issues getting in yesterday - so maybe there was a 
problem with irc in general?  I rarely use it myself now.

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