Am Sonntag, den 09.04.2006, 15:52 -0400 schrieb Walter Hieber:
> At present, i think it is better to focus on how to program YIS :-D
> [Walter Hieber] No doubt!
> Here is my shout out to the team. I know i missed some of you but just
> wondering whats going on in your worlds?
> Where are Fabian, Justin, Reid, Arnolf, Johnbon, Marlon, Pioneer, and
> SebaT ?
I am here, Walter. Currently I am very, very busy with correcting a
dissertation apart from the normal work I have. Thus there was not much
time for anything else except adding some information to the bugtracker
an hanging around in IRC now and then for some user-support. I hope I
will find more time the next weeks.

PS: Chacks, how is YIS progressing? When do you think could you give me
some rough details on the artwork you need? (Spacing of images, things
you want to see there, number of images) A simple sketch would be fine
anyday. :) And thanks for the interesting article.


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