At present, i think it is better to focus on how to program YIS :-D
[Walter Hieber] No doubt!
Here is my shout out to the team. I know i missed some of you but just wondering whats going on in your worlds?
Where are Fabian, Justin, Reid, Arnolf, Johnbon, Marlon, Pioneer, and SebaT ?
Here is where I'm at:
Totally toasted my Yoper 2.91 blacksand install! Started screwing around with runlevel scripts and writing stuff to automate ndiswrapper with my RALink card and managed to prevent logging it at all. Oh well serves me right.
Were having another baby so Ive been ordered by the queen to move my office out of the room to my glassed room so no free time for me for a while. My business is working out well and we are having moderate success so Iv'e bee focusing most of my free time to updating products. Work is going well so nothing notworthy there to mention.
I still can't get over how rediculous my pre-emptive Yoper release announcment was. What a dork!
Ive been enjopying some Steely Dan and some occasional RUSH and I had a very cool dream the other night that I was literaly eating the colorful fruit flavored notes of a Guitar solo by Steve Via at the end of the song For the Love of God!Yeah and I promise I have never used or touch any drugs in my life! Honest. Hope every one is doing well and that the silence lately is just the usual lul before the storm.
Take care all!,

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