You say, "when we strip away our mind of desires and aversions etc. then only 
Awareness (Spirit/Buddha Nature/Self/Tao/God etc) remains."
Is 'celibacy sex ritual' devoid of desire? Dalai Lama says yes. What say you?

--- On Fri, 18/2/11, mike brown <uerusub...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

From: mike brown <uerusub...@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Zen] visualization
To: Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, 18 February, 2011, 4:08 PM


Hi Steve,

If we subscribe to Bill!'s assertion that at the root of all religion we can 
find zen, then yes, I do feel that the central realisation of the religions you 
mentioned (esp Advaita Vedenat, Dzogchen and Zen) are the same. In simple 
terms, they all cite that when we strip away our mind of desires and aversions 
etc. then only Awareness (Spirit/Buddha Nature/Self/Tao/God etc) remains. The 
difference lies in the outward features of the respective paths (rituals, 
sutras versus tantra etc), but at their heart I would say they are the same.


From: SteveW <eugnostos2...@yahoo.com>
To: Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, 13 February, 2011 0:32:23
Subject: Re: [Zen] visualization


--- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, mike brown <uerusuboyo@...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Still in India and just letting you know I'm still alive (but a lot 
> thinner..). 
> It's been an amazing experience so far and I've learned a lot from being 
> here. 
> Just thought I'd add something to this thread. Has anyone read the book by 
> Ken 
> Wilber: Grace and Grit (1991) about his wife who had, and died from, cancer? 
> A 
> remarkable insight into dying, death and (ultimately) how to live. Wilber 
> himself (at the the time of writing) had been sitting (Zen) for 15 years and 
> Treya, his wife, had been studying vipassana for 10 years. They both 
> incorporated transpersonal pyschology, yoga, Tibetan Buddhism and the 
> teachings 
> of Ramana Maharshi (something for everyone!) into their dealing with cancer 
> and 
> I can say it's a very powerful book. If anyone has read it and would like to 
> discuss it, I'd be happy to oblige! 
> Namaste,
> Mike 
> Hi Mike. I am pleased to meet you. I have read a few of Wilber's 
books, but not that one, although he mentions his wife's death
in his other writings. You mention Maharshi. Tell me, do you 
find the central realization of the non-dual traditions of Zen,
Advaita Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism and Dzogchen to be the same?

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