
First sentence. Good point. It's mostly the mind that lies, but the senses also 
selectively sample reality rather than taking it all in. E.g. they function as 
antennae tuned only to a small spectrum of audial and visual wavelengths. And 
they focus light which is unfocused in nature... etc. etc. etc. I explain a lot 
of this in my essay on 'Mind and Reality' at

As for your last thought. There is no distinction between Buddha nature inside 
and out because there is no inside and out, no self and not self, or more 
accurately there is such a distinction but it is an illusory categorization of 
experience in the mind.

All experience is antecedent (prior) to the distinction between self and not 
self... Only once experience gets to the mind does it get categorized into 
being part of self or not self.

This is why we can say the universe consists of pure experience, and since this 
is a universal phenomenon that is rooted in the universal effect of all forms 
on other forms I call it Xperience. Consciousness is simply xperience 
manifesting in a sentient organism... But that's another story...


On Aug 30, 2012, at 9:13 PM, Joe wrote:

> Edgar,
> Good, good.
> But the Senses are not to blame, nor are they faulty. It's just an 
> interpretation of them that can be either narrow, or broad, or etc.
> One may be misled if one is as yet unawakened (and especially then).
> The sixth sense is called Mind.
> After awakening, the senses are points and channels of contact with Buddha 
> Nature; again, the sixth sense is Mind.
> --Joe
> > Edgar Owen <edgarowen@...> wrote:
> >
> > Your senses lie and thus they are not able to distinguish the two.... 

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