i say one and one makes 3...merle


Most people think of "1+1=2" as procedural, that is, that there is 1, THEN we 
add 1 to it, THEN it becomes 2.  They would regard "2=1+1" and "2=2" to be 
different equations, but they are not in the least bit different.  The 
equal-sign is the present.
"1+1" is already 2!  And the effect IS the cause.  Your karmic punishment for 
doing something "bad" is you doing that "bad" thing.  Your karmic reward for 
doing something "good" is you doing that "good" thing.  Forget the 
come-back-to-bite-you BS!

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 4:58 AM EDT Bill! wrote:



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