> To put the cat amongst the pigeons here, there were those
> within Sun that tried to tell the ZFS team that a backup
> program such as zfsdump was necessary but we got told
> that amanda and other tools were what people used these
> days (in corporate accounts) and therefore zfsdump and
> zfsrestore wasn't necessary...

Well, to put the fox in with the hens as a reply, there are those of us that
have used ufsdump for years and with a SDLT we can get stunning throughput.
I can boot a box with a Solaris CDROM and restore perfectly and I don't need
to install anything.  Right onto a bare disk.  No software needed other than
a Solaris 8 CDROM.

I guess I had this unspoken and unwritten expectation that with any given
native filesystem in Solaris I could always expect that in a disaster I
would be able to restore from tape with nothing other than a CD in my hand
and a fresh disk.

> Why aren't you using amanda or something else that uses
> tar as the means by which you do a backup?

Well gee, now I have to look at it.

With a server in a commercial account I would use Networker or Netbackup and
a robotic tape library.  At home or in a small implementaion ( Blastwave ) I
will use ufsdump and not much else.  It works real well.  Has for years.

I guess I have to now go back to my own drawing board and ask a few questions.

In the meanwhile I am kind of stuck and had better look at Bacula or Amanda
or some other thing that ends with "ah" in three syllables.


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