I had this happen on three different motherboards.  So it seems that there 
should be a procedure in the documentation that states if your BIOS doesn't 
support EFI labels than you need to write ZFS to a partition (slice) not the 
overlay, causing the BIOS to hang on reading the drive on boot up.  Most PC 
bios do not support EFI at this point, so this can impact the larger community.

Having that documentation would have saved me 30 hours at least, and I only 
hope that you take this as positive feedback and integrate it into the doc set. 
 I have ZFS working on my Ultra 20 just fine, and that is what confused me when 
I was working with my x86 box.  It says that EFI is not supported on IDE disks 
(SATA drive), but I'm assuming that this has changed.

>From the sol9 doc set:

Restrictions of the EFI Disk Label

Keep the following restrictions in mind when determining whether to use disks 
greater than 1 terabyte is appropriate for your environment:


      The SCSI driver, ssd, currently only supports up to 2 terabytes. If you 
need greater disk capacity than 2 terabytes, use a volume management product 
like Solaris Volume Manager to create a larger device.

      Layered software products intended for systems with EFI-labeled disks 
might be incapable of accessing a disk with an EFI disk label.

      A disk with an EFI disk label is not recognized on systems running 
previous Solaris releases.

      The EFI disk label is not supported on IDE disks.

      You cannot boot from a disk with an EFI disk label.

      You cannot use the Solaris Management Console's Disk Manager Tool to 
manage disks with EFI labels. Use the format utility or the Solaris Management 
Console's Enhanced Storage Tool to manage disks with EFI labels, after you use 
the format utility to partition the disk.

      The EFI specification prohibits overlapping slices. The whole disk is 
represented by cxtydz.
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