Robert Milkowski wrote:
Hello Casper,

Monday, February 5, 2007, 2:32:49 PM, you wrote:

Hello zfs-discuss,

 I've patched U2 system to 118855-36. Several zfs related bugs id
 should be covered between -19 and -36 like HotSpare support.

 However despite -36 is installed 'zpool upgrade' still claims only
 v1 and v2 support. Alse there's no zfs promote, etc.

 /kernel/drv/zfs is dated May 18 with 482448 in size which looks too

 Also 118855-36 has many zfs related bugs listed however in a section
 file I do not see zfs,zpool commands or zfs kernel modules.
 Looks like they are not delivered.

CDSC> Have you also installed the companion patch 124205-04?  It contains all
CDSC> the ZFS bits.

I've just figured it out.

However why those bug ids related in ZFS are listed in -36 while
actually those fixes are delivered in 124205-05 (the same bug ids)?
because fix is spread across both KU and zfs patch I suspect. Say the fix affcts zpool and libc, then both Ku and zfs patch will have the bug listed.
Also why 'smpatch analyze' doesn't show 124205? (I can force it to
download the patch if I specify it).

Not too sure about smpatch, but I suspect that the file ( that smpatch uses to determine of a patch is applicable has not been updated with the zfs patch yet. Patches will appear on SunSolve before they are listed by smpatch, as the build of is not done daily I believe.

Just a guess, as 124205-04 was released on the 31st


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