Hi Doug,

I need more information:
You need /devices and /dev on zfs root to boot. Not sure what you mean by 'it doesn't work'?
   What OS version is running on your boot slice (s0)?
   Is this where your zfs root pool (s5) built from?

'installgrub new-stage1 new-stage2 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s0' puts the new grub on c0d0 (with boot device points to s0) and that should be sufficient for your case. '-m' overrides MBR, don't need to do it. Not sure the real impact is, but might
be ok in your case.


Douglas Atique wrote:
Hi Doug, from the information I read so far, I assume
you have

c0d0s0  - ufs root
c0d0s5  - zfs root pool 'snv' and root filesystem

Hi Lin,
My complete layout follows:
c0d0s0: boot slice (holds a manually maintained /boot) -- UFS
c0d0s1: the usual swap slice
c0d0s3: S10U3 root -- UFS
c0d0s4: SXCE root -- UFS
c0d0s5: "snv" pool -- ZFS latest version
c0d0s6: an experimental "boot from sources the hard way" slice -- UFS
c0d0s7: "common" pool, mounted on /export -- ZFS older version

My menu.lst entries all use "root" to direct grub to one of the slices: c0d0s3 --> (hd0,0,d),
c0d0s4 --> (hd0,0,e),
c0d0s5 --> (hd0,0,f),
c0d0s6 --> (hd0,0,g).

installgrub on c0d0s0 puts grub on the same disk as
c0d0s5, but <c0d0sn>
indicates which slice is the default boot slice.
So, once you default boot from c0d0s5, you should not
'root (hd0,0,f)' in your menu.lst entry which could
confuse the mapping.
(I'll try to make the doc a little bit more clear.)
Yes, that was a mistake from mine. I just copied the menu.lst from c0d0s0 to 
c0d0s5 as I tried to make that the grub partition. However, changing that 
didn't work, as it didn't work to reformat c0d0s0 as a ZFS pool. I don't quite 
understand what is going on when I boot, but I observe that whenever the grub 
slice is ZFS the menu is not shown, as if somehow the video drivers (or BIOS 
routines, whatever) couldn't be accessed by GRUB on ZFS, but could on UFS. 
Could there be any correlation between the video access and the filesystem type?

That said, your original menu.lst does look fine
(assuming you did copy
the new grub into c0d0s0).

Play around a little bit more and send us more detail
e.g. menu.lst entries from the rootpool or ufs root,
where is grub installed,
have you copied the devices dir to the zfs root
filesystem (step 4), is snv/b65 good...etc.

This is another issue. I have followed the /devices and /dev creation steps on 
the ZFS-boot manual, but it doesn't work. Couldn't I create a clean /devices 
and /dev instead? Does reconfiguration boot work when the /devices and /dev are 

I will post the complete menu.lst grub entries, but not right now, as I don't 
have the notebook with me.

One additional comment: I have also tried to installgrub -m, i.e. on the master 
boot record. That also didn't work, but I am thinking if it would make any 
difference to wipe the hard disk completely and start again from scratch. Do 
you think there could be some older GRUB stuff hidden somewhere in the disk 
that I didn't upgrade? Consider that the first installation on the disk (when I 
partitioned it the way it is today) was of S10U3, which used an older grub.

-- Doug
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