Carson Gaspar wrote:
> Tim wrote:
>> A much cheaper (and probably the BEST supported card), is the supermicro 
>> based on the marvell chipset.  This is the same chipset that is used in 
>> the thumper x4500 so you know that the folks at sun are doing their due 
>> diligence to make sure the drivers are solid.
> Except the drivers _aren't_ solid, at least in Solaris(tm). The 
> OpenSolaris drivers may have been fixed (I know a lot of work is going 
> into them, but I haven't tested them), but those fixes have not made it 
> back into the supported realm.
> So if you need to run a supported OS, I'd skip the Marvell chips if 
> possible, at least for now.
Does this mean that support still has not provided you with working 
code?  I am surprised if
that is true.  I do not know of any reason why this should be the case.  
If you have not
been given fixed code I think you should escalate up the support chain.

Further, if more customers push for getting the latest changes that are 
in OpenSolaris
into Solaris 10, the more likely it is that the individuals responsible 
for evaluating what
should be back ported to Solaris 10 will accept those changes.

Regards and sympathy,
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