On Fri, 16 May 2008, Richard Elling wrote:

> This is because OpenSolaris 2008.05 is based on NV b86 which does not
> have the fix for
>          5008936 ZFS and/or zvol should support dumps
>          5070124 dumpadm -d /dev/... does not enforce block
>              device requirement for savecore
>          6633197 zvol should not permit newfs or createpool while
>              it's in use by swap or dump

So ZFS dump is not supported in OpenSolaris 05/08. Any idea whether that
will be resolved in an update to 05/08, or delayed until the release of

ZFS swap appears to documented as supported even in S10U5. However, in a
couple of other responses to this I saw mention of bugs that cause a system
to lock up when using ZFS swap? So the recommendation is to keep both dump
and swap on legacy slices for now?

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768
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