On 29 May 2008, at 15:51, Thomas Maier-Komor wrote:

>> I very strongly disagree.  The closest ZFS equivalent to ufsdump is  
>> 'zfs
>> send'.  'zfs send' like ufsdump has initmiate awareness of the the
>> actual on disk layout and is an integrated part of the filesystem
>> implementation.
>> star is a userland archiver.
> The man page for zfs states the following for send:
>      The format of the stream is evolving. No backwards  compati-
>      bility  is  guaranteed.  You may not be able to receive your
>      streams on future versions of ZFS.
> I think this should be taken into account when considering 'zfs send'
> for backup purposes...

Presumably, if one is backing up to another disk, one could zfs  
receive to a pool on that disk. That way you get simple file-based  
access, full history (although it could be collapsed by deleting older  
snapshots as necessary), and no worries about stream format changes.

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