On May 30, 2008, at 10:49, J.P. King wrote:

For _my_ purposes I'd be happy with zfs send/receive, if only it was
guaranteed to be compatible between versions.

How often are you going to be doing restores from these, and for how long? Since the zfs send/receive stream format has only changed once (IIRC) and OpenSolaris can run under virtualization environments, or on cheap hardware, it seems like you should be able to restore today's 'zfs send' backup just about forever.

Syncing atimes onto a brand-new ZFS-version-25 2-exabyte personal storage array in 2014 might be tricky, if nobody's written a ZFS stream version filter by then.

I just ask these questions to distinguish what's easy in practice vs. theory.

I'm curious - is the current stream format tagged with a version number?


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