SB2K, 2GB RAM, 2x 1050MHz UltraSPARC III Cu CPU, seems
to freeze momentarily for a couple of seconds every now and then in
a zfs root setup on snv_90, which it never did with mostly ufs on snv_81;
that despite having much faster disks now (LSI SAS 3800X and a pair of
Seagate 1TB SAS drives (mirrored), vs the 2x internal 73GB FC drives;
the SAS drives, at a mere 7200 RPM can sustain a sequential transfer
rate about 2.5x that of the 10KRPM FC drives!).

Then again, between the hardware differences and any other software
differences as well as the configuration change, I'm not absolutely ready
to blame any particular one of those for those annoying pauses...but
my suspicions are on zfs...
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