Keith Bierman wrote:
> On Jun 24, 2008, at 11:01 AM, Dave Miner wrote:
>> I doubt we'd have interest in providing more configurability in the
>> interactive installer.  As Richard sort of points out subsequently,  
>> most
>> people wouldn't know what to do here, anyway, and the ones who do
>> usually use automated provisioning like Jumpstart, where we can  
>> provide
>> those options.
> A lot of developers use VMs of one sort or another these days, and  
> few of them use jumpstart (especially when the entire point of the  
> exercise is to get their feet wet on new platforms, or new versions  
> of old platforms).
> Perhaps I travel in the wrong circles these days.

All they'd have to do under my suggested solutoin is make the virtual 
disk large enough to get a dump pool created automatically.  Our 
recommended sizing would encompass that.

I do like Bill's suggestion of getting VM's to snapshot the VM on panic, 

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