On Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 12:46:59PM -0500, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Oct 2008, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> > What is the "real/practical" possibility that I will face data loss during
> > the next 5 years for example ? As storage experts please help me
> > interpret whatever numbers you're going to throw, so is it a "really really
> > small chance", or would you be worried about it ?
> No one can tell you the answer to this.  Certainly math can be 
> formulated which shows that the pyramids in Egypt will be completely 
> flattened before you experience data loss.  Obviously that math has 
> little value once it exceeds the lifetime of the computer by many 
> orders of magnitude.
> Raidz2 is about as good as it gets on paper.  Bad things can still 
> happen which are unrelated to what raidz2 protects against or are a 
> calamity which impacts all the hardware in the system.  If you care 
> about your data, make sure that you have a working backup system.

Bad things like getting all your drives from a bad drive batch, so they
all fail near simultaneously and much sooner than you'd expect.

As always, do backup your data.
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