On Thu, 23 Oct 2008, Constantin Gonzalez wrote:
> This is what the customer told me. He uses rsync and he is ok with restarting
> the rsync whenever the NFS server restarts.

Then remind your customer to tell rsync to inspect the data rather 
than trusting time stamps.  Rsync will then run quite a bit slower but 
at least it will catch a corrupted file.  There is still the problem 
that the client OS may have cached data which it thinks is correct but 
no longer matches what is on the server.  This may result in rsync 
making wrong decisions.

A better approach is to run rsync on the server so that there is rsync 
to rsync communication rather than rsync to NFS.  This can result in 
far better performance and without the NFS sychronous write problem.

For my own backups, I initiate rsync on the server side and have a 
special secure rsync service set up on the clients so that the server 
sucks files from the clients.  This works very well and helps with 
administration because any error conditions will be noted in just one 

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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