> Interestingly, the "size" fields under "top" add up to 950GB without getting 
> to the bottom of the list, yet it
> shows NO swap being used, and 150MB free out of 768 of RAM!  So how can the 
> size of the existing processes
> exceed the size of the virtual memory in use by a factor of 2, and the size 
> of total virtual memory by a factor of 1.5?
> This is not the resident size - this is the total size!

Size is how much address space the process has allocated. Part of that
is executables and shared libraries (they are backed by the file, not
by swap). A large portion of that is shared, the same memory is used
by many processes. Processes can also allocate shared memory by other

Memory is not a big problem for ZFS, address space is. You may have to
give the kernel more address space on 32-bit CPUs.

eeprom kernelbase=0x80000000

This will reduce the usable address space of user processes though.
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