scott stanley wrote:
> (i use the term loosely because i know that zfs likes whole volumes better)
> when installing ubuntu, i got in the habit of using a separate partition for 
> my home directory so that my data and gnome settings would all remain intact 
> when i reinstalled or upgraded.
> i'm running osol 2008.11 on an ultra 20, which has only two drives. i've got 
> all my data located in my home directory, and the two drives are cloned 
> (mirrored and bootable).
> i want to have a similar option as my linux setup, but want to play by the 
> zfs (best practice) rules as much as possible.

Cool.  By default, OpenSolaris implements the prevailing best practice.
It uses ZFS and puts the home directories in a separate file system.
 -- richard

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