On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 1:12 AM, scott <new.mail.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> thanks for the input. since i have no interest in multibooting (virtualbox
> will suit my needs), i created a 10gb partition on my 500gb drive for
> opensolaris and reserved the rest for files (130gb worth).
> after installing the os and fdisking the rest of the space to solaris2, i
> created a zpool called DOCUMENTS (good tips with the upper case), which i
> then mounted to Documents in my home folder.
> the logic is, if i have to reinstall, i just export DOCUMENTS and re-import
> it into the reinstalled os (or import -f in a worst-case scenario).
> after having done all the setup, i partitioned drive 2 using identical
> cylinder locs and mirrored each into their respective pools (rpool and
> DOCUMENTS). replacing drive 1 with 2 and starting back up, everything boots
> fine and i see all my data, so it worked.
> obviously i'm a noob, and yet even i find my own method a little
> suspicious. i look at the disk usage analyzer and see that / is 100% used.
> while i'm sure that this is in some kind of "virtual" sense, it leaves me
> with a feeling that i've done a goofy thing.
> comments about this last concern are greatly appreciated!

Firstly, 10 GB is a bit on the lean side for a Solaris root pool. The pool
needs to store about 6GB of software, a Swap Device, and a Dump Device.

OpenSolaris also gives you upgrade with roll-back.  For this purpose I
reserved about 8 GB per "instance".  The way I do it is as follow:

8 GB for the current version
8 GB for current - 1.
8 GB for a "transient" version - see below
6 GB for Swap and Dump.
10 GB for some flexibility, installing software, etc.
Total for Solaris partition: 40 GB

The transient instance does not stay on the disk for long.  The upgrade
strategy is as follow:

When running on version N, and upgrading to N+1, you will still have N-1 on
disk.  Thus, space for 3 releases is needed.  A few days after upgrading to
N+1, I start to consider it to be the new N.  The old N-1 is then redundant,
and I delete it at that point.  The exception is if the new release doesn't
work to my liking.  Then I delete it, and keep the old N and N-1.

I ALWAYS keep one older release on disk - if nothing else, I've had to use
it as a "recovery" environment many times.  However, it is a somewhat
"expensive" recovery area: In particular, I am using Solaris Express.  It is
possible to create a "recovery" alternate boot environment as follow:

Create a new boot environment (lucreate -n recovery)
Make it bootable (lucativate recovery)
Boot into it once (init 6)
Make the "old BE" active again and boot back into it.

The result is a recovery environment from which you can boot, which does not
take any disk space (other than whatever changes on disk) because it is
based on a snapshot of the existing/current boot environment.

I don't know the OpenSolaris upgrade mechanism yet, though I understand that
something similar is possible.

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   Arthur C. Clarke

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