On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 4:10 AM, noz <sf2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here's my solution:
> (1) n...@holodeck:~# zpool create epool mirror c4t1d0 c4t2d0 c4t3d0
> n...@holodeck:~# zfs list
> NAME                     USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> epool                     69K  15.6G    18K  /epool
> rpool                   3.68G  11.9G    72K  /rpool
> rpool/ROOT              2.81G  11.9G    18K  legacy
> rpool/ROOT/opensolaris  2.81G  11.9G  2.68G  /
> rpool/dump               383M  11.9G   383M  -
> rpool/export             632K  11.9G    19K  /export
> rpool/export/home        612K  11.9G    19K  /export/home
> rpool/export/home/noz    594K  11.9G   594K  /export/home/noz
> rpool/swap               512M  12.4G  21.1M  -
> n...@holodeck:~#
> (2) n...@holodeck:~# zfs snapshot -r rpool/exp...@now
> (3) n...@holodeck:~# zfs send -R rpool/exp...@now > /tmp/export_now
> (4) n...@holodeck:~# zfs destroy -r -f rpool/export
> (5) n...@holodeck:~# zfs recv -d epool < /tmp/export_now
> The above is very dangerous, if it will even work.

The output of the zfs send is redirected to /tmp, which is a ramdisk.  If
you have enough space (RAM + Swap), it will work, but if there is a reboot
or crash before the zfs receive completes then everything is gone.

In stead, do the following:
(2) n...@holodeck:~# zfs snapshot -r rpool/exp...@now
(3) n...@holodeck:~# zfs send -R rpool/exp...@now | zfs recv -d epool
(4) Check that all the data looks OK in epool
(5) n...@holodeck:~# zfs destroy -r -f rpool/export

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